The Rarámuri, natives to the landscapes of the Sierra Tarahumara in Mexico, are facing the pressures of globalization, limited access to education, and encroaching influences have led to the decline of traditional practices, endangering the survival of their language and customs.

Efforts to address this critical situation include initiatives to empower and revitalize the Rarámuri communities through the operation and maintenance of a medical clinic, a schoolhouse, food storage, and water infrastructure, between other initiatives that help preserve their traditional practices.

Distinguished classical composer and pianist immersed in the natural environment of the Rarámuri for over four decades, our organization embodies his profound commitment.
Romayne chose to channel the proceeds from his global concerts towards making a positive impact on the lives of 550 Rarámuri families in the areas of Heath Care, Education, Famine Relief and Sustainability. In recognizing the transformative power of music, we view it not merely as an art form but as a dynamic vehicle driving the well-being of the Rarámuri community.

The Rarámuri are renowned for their long-distance running abilities and harmonious relationship with nature. The plight of the Rarámuri serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of cultural diversity in the face of rapid societal changes and the importance of collective efforts to preserve the world's indigenous richness.

The erosion of the Rarámuri way of life is compounded by economic hardships, pushing many to migrate closer to cities in search of opportunities and resources, thereby further scattering the community. The delicate balance between cultural preservation and adaptation is tipping towards the latter, leaving the Rarámuri culture on the precipice of extinction.


Medical Services and Medicines, Treatments to Reduce Infant Mortality, Respiratory and Digestive Diseases, Health Promotion Actions

Construction of a School and Sleeping Shelter for Preschool Kids, Economic Support for Teachers and Childcare, Annual Provision of Sweaters, Bed Covers and Sandals to School Children

Seed Endowment for Family Gardens & Potato Allocation, Housing Construction, Battery & Solar Equipment

Rainwater Recovery, Hose Installation to Provide Drinking Water, Hydraulic Networks with Solar Pumps